What would be the quickest way to insert a space after every 3 characters?

String concatenation is slow, so currently I split the string, iterate over the resulting array into a new array and insert a space every third iteration, and join the new array to get the final string.

Any ideas on a better / faster way?



Can’t you Join the array resulting from the split operation additing your space directly?

FinalString= Join(SplittedString, " ") 

I don’t know how much faster it will be (if at all), but you will have less code.


Maybe someone smarter than me can figure out why it doesn’t work for the first match, but this seems to be quick…

[code]DIM re As NEW RegEx
re.SearchPattern = “(.{3})”
re.ReplacementPattern = "$1 "
re.Options.ReplaceAllMatches = TRUE

Dim text As String = “aaaabbbbccccddddeeeeffffgggghhhhiiiijjjjkkkkllllmmmmnnnnoooo”

Dim match As RegExMatch = re.Search(text)
If match <> Nil Then
text = re.Replace()
End If


[quote=377770:@Julen Ibarretxe Uriguen]Can’t you Join the array resulting from the split operation additing your space directly?

FinalString= Join(SplittedString, " ") 

I don’t know how much faster it will be (if at all), but you will have less code.

That adds a space after EVERY character, not after every third one.

Sorry, I undestood you had it splitted in groups of three characters already.


I don‘t think Split() works that way … :wink:

Well, I was curious and made a quick test.
Using split and join is much faster than any manual string handling. And even a loop which creates a 3 char array (quick and dirty, so no check if it works properly at string end), la

[code]Public Function build3CharArray(s As String) as String()
#Pragma BackgroundTasks False

Dim a() As String = Split(s,"")
Dim b() As String
For i As Integer = 0 To a.Ubound - 3 Step 3
b.Append a(i) + a(i+1) + a(i+2)

Return b
End Function[/code]
is fast for larger strings in my test. Perhaps it is worth a try to build a 3 char string array which can be joined.

To my eyes, you’ve found a bug.

Doing the matches interactively we get all of them

  Dim ar3() As String
  DIm re As New RegEx
  re.SearchPattern = "..."
  Dim text As String = "aaaabbbbccccddddeeeeffffgggghhhhiiiijjjjkkkkllllmmmmnnnnoooo"
  Dim match As RegExMatch = re.Search(text)
    If match <> Nil Then ar3.Append(match.SubExpressionString(0))
    match = re.Search
  Loop until match Is Nil
  MsgBox Join(ar3," ")

Just to be different:

[code]Dim s As String = “aaabbbcccdddeeefffggghhhiiijjjkkklllmmmnnnooop”

If s <> “” Then
Dim l As Double = ceil((len(s) / 3))

Dim mb As MemoryBlock = s
'bump the size of the mb to a 3 boundry so we dont have to code around overrunning the buffer
mb.Size = l * 3
'create a new mb the size of the original with room for the spaces
Dim newmb As New MemoryBlock((l) * 4)
For n As Integer = 0 To (newmb.Size / 4) - 1
newmb.stringvalue(n * 4, 4) = mb.StringValue(n * 3, 3) + chr(32)

'remove the last space as we only wanted spaces between groups of three
newmb.StringValue(newmb.Size - 1, 1) = chr(0)

'assign the string back into s, as we will always have a 0 at the end we can use CString to trim the string down
s = newmb.CString(0)

End If[/code]

Julian, I like your approach but this will fail, or outright crash, if the string contains characters outside the ASCII range (code point > 127) or the encoding is UTF-16 or UTF-32. Those characters will spread over two or more bytes so you will end up splitting those with a space.

You can get around that by converting the original string to UTF-8, then scanning each byte to get the segment size. If the byte < 128, it’s solo. Otherwise, you can check the value to determine if it’s 2, 3, or 4 bytes. This should still be pretty quick.

Also, instead of appending Chr(32), it would probably be faster to set the next byte in newmb to 32 manually.

Finally, the encoding of the result should be defined back to UTF-8, then converted to whatever the original encoding was.

Where I wrote “Interactively”, I intended to say “Iteractively”.

Knowing Markus, those 3 letters are just usual “a-z,A-Z”, probably amino acid codes.

Just tried the RegEx -Split. It is much slower as my approach above using an 100 kB string…

Remember: Markus has always loooong strings to handle :wink:

Indeed :wink:

Using Julian’s idea as a starting point, I came up with this generalized code. To process a string of 700,000 characters takes about 75 ms here.

Public Function InsertEvery(s As String, every As Integer, charToInsert As String = " ") as String
  if s = "" or charToInsert = "" then
    return s
  end if
  dim origEncoding as TextEncoding = s.Encoding
  if origEncoding isa TextEncoding then
    s = s.ConvertEncoding( Encodings.UTF8 )
  end if
  dim r as string
  dim charToInsertSize as integer = charToInsert.LenB
  dim mb as MemoryBlock = s
  dim newSize as integer = mb.Size + _
      ( ( ( mb.Size ) / every ) * charToInsertSize ) + _
  dim rmb as new MemoryBlock( newSize )
  dim p as ptr = mb
  dim lastByteIndex as integer = mb.Size - 1
  dim byteIndex as integer = 0
  dim insertIndex as integer
  while byteIndex <= lastByteIndex
    dim startByteIndex as integer = byteIndex
    dim segmentSize as integer
    dim charCount as integer
    while charCount < every and _
        byteIndex <= lastByteIndex
      dim thisByte as integer = p.Byte( byteIndex )
      dim byteAdder as integer

      select case thisByte
      case 0 to 127
        byteAdder = 1
      case &b11000000 to &b11011111
        byteAdder = 2
      case &b11100000 to &b11101111
        byteAdder = 3
      case else
        byteAdder = 4
      end select
      segmentSize = segmentSize + byteAdder
      byteIndex = byteIndex + byteAdder
      charCount = charCount + 1
    rmb.StringValue( insertIndex, segmentSize ) = _
        mb.StringValue( startByteIndex, segmentSize )
    insertIndex = insertIndex + segmentSize
    rmb.StringValue( insertIndex, charToInsertSize ) = _
    insertIndex = insertIndex + charToInsertSize
  r = rmb.StringValue( 0, insertIndex - 1 )
  r = r.DefineEncoding( Encodings.UTF8 )
  if origEncoding is nil then
    r = r.DefineEncoding( nil )
    r = r.ConvertEncoding( origEncoding )
    #if DebugBuild
      if origEncoding.IsValidData( r ) = false then
      end if
  end if
  return r
End Function

Next I’m going to try that with the new framework MemoryBlock. I bet it could get even faster…

Bah. You beat me already…
My code needs here about 35 ms and your code 25 ms.

And the new framework is actually slower, although I don’t yet understand why. It takes about 110 ms vs 75 ms for the classic MemoryBlock. I’d expect it to be dramatically faster since it can copy bytes directly and doesn’t have to go through a string.

Here is is with the new framework. By adding the code to disable error checking to both, I was able to process a 700k string in about 50 ms with the classic MemoryBlock, and 25 ms with the new.

Public Function InsertEveryNewMB(s As String, every As Integer, charToInsert As String = " ") as String
  #if not DebugBuild
    #pragma BackgroundTasks False
    #pragma NilObjectChecking False
    #pragma StackOverflowChecking False
    #pragma BoundsChecking False
  if s = "" or charToInsert = "" then
    return s
  end if
  dim origEncoding as TextEncoding = s.Encoding
  if origEncoding isa TextEncoding then
    s = s.ConvertEncoding( Encodings.UTF8 )
  end if
  dim r as string
  dim mb as Xojo.Core.MemoryBlock = StringToNewMB( s )
  dim mbCharsToInsert as Xojo.Core.MemoryBlock = StringToNewMB( charToInsert )
  dim charToInsertSize as integer = mbCharsToInsert.Size
  dim newSize as integer = mb.Size + _
      ( ( ( mb.Size ) / every ) * charToInsertSize ) + _
  dim rmb as new Xojo.Core.MutableMemoryBlock( newSize )
  dim p as ptr = mb.Data
  dim rp as ptr = rmb.Data
  'dim cp as ptr = mbCharsToInsert.Data
  dim lastByteIndex as integer = mb.Size - 1
  dim byteIndex as integer = 0
  dim insertIndex as integer
  while byteIndex <= lastByteIndex
    dim startByteIndex as integer = byteIndex
    dim segmentSize as integer
    dim charCount as integer
    while charCount < every and _
          byteIndex <= lastByteIndex
      dim thisByte as integer = p.Byte( byteIndex )
      dim byteAdder as integer
      select case thisByte
      case 0 to 127
        byteAdder = 1
      case &b11000000 to &b11011111
        byteAdder = 2
      case &b11100000 to &b11101111
        byteAdder = 3
      case else
        byteAdder = 4
      end select
      segmentSize = segmentSize + byteAdder
      byteIndex = byteIndex + byteAdder
      charCount = charCount + 1
    // Copy the bytes manually
    // (faster than using Mid)
    for i as integer = 0 to segmentSize - 1
      rp.Byte( insertIndex ) = p.Byte( startByteIndex )
      insertIndex = insertIndex + 1
      startByteIndex = startByteIndex + 1
    'rmb.Mid( insertIndex, segmentSize ) = mb.Mid( startByteIndex, segmentSize )
    'insertIndex = insertIndex + segmentSize
    // But Mid here is faster
    'for i as integer = 0 to charToInsertSize - 1
    'rp.Byte( insertIndex ) = cp.Byte( i )
    'insertIndex = insertIndex + 1
    rmb.Mid( insertIndex, charToInsertSize ) = mbCharsToInsert
    insertIndex = insertIndex + charToInsertSize
  r = NewMBToString( rmb.Left( insertIndex - 1 ) )
  r = r.DefineEncoding( Encodings.UTF8 )
  if origEncoding is nil then
    r = r.DefineEncoding( nil )
    r = r.ConvertEncoding( origEncoding )
    #if DebugBuild
      if origEncoding.IsValidData( r ) = false then
      end if
  end if
  return r
End Function

Private Function StringToNewMB(s As String) as Xojo.Core.MemoryBlock
  dim mb as MemoryBlock = s
  dim tempMB as new Xojo.Core.MemoryBlock( mb, mb.Size )
  dim newMB as new Xojo.Core.MutableMemoryBlock( 0 )
  newMB.Append tempMB
  return newMB
End Function

Private Function NewMBToString(newMB As Xojo.Core.MemoryBlock) as String
  dim mb as MemoryBlock = newMB.Data
  return mb.StringValue( 0, newMB.Size )
End Function

[quote=377771:@shao sean]Maybe someone smarter than me can figure out why it doesn’t work for the first match, but this seems to be quick…

[code]DIM re As NEW RegEx
re.SearchPattern = “(.{3})”
re.ReplacementPattern = "$1 "
re.Options.ReplaceAllMatches = TRUE

Dim text As String = “aaaabbbbccccddddeeeeffffgggghhhhiiiijjjjkkkkllllmmmmnnnnoooo”

Dim match As RegExMatch = re.Search(text)
If match <> Nil Then
text = re.Replace()
End If


(https://xojo.com/issue/51623)]Feedback case 51623

Don’t test this in a Debug Build.
In a regular Build I get these results:

String length: 991,22 kB InsertEvery: 73,11 ms InsertEveryNewMB: 24,78 ms
but in a Debug run I get:

String length: 991,22 kB InsertEvery: 195,82 ms InsertEveryNewMB: 229,36 ms

So the New Memory Block seems to be slower in a debug run.