Web App client browser needs to restore Local Settings

I have a Xojo Web app that is used at various manufacturing locations in the plant that the users scan a barcode into a WebTextField to update another production application that the item has completed that step of manufacturing. The Web app, when shown, needs to have several selections made from WebPopupMenus to identity the step in the process that the user/workstation needs to update. i.e. The Mfg. Plan Name, the Mfg. Plan Part Branch, and the Mfg. Plan Branch Step.

I have been requested to make it so that each workstation be able to open the Web App URL and automatically load the correct settings for that stations Mfg. Plan Name, the Mfg. Plan Part Branch, and the Mfg. Plan Branch Step. My assumption is that I could use an XML file in a predefined location on the workstation to load these settings and set the Popup Menus. My questions are:

  1. What is the your advice on the best way to open a local file in the session to setup the Popup Menus?
  2. Would it be possible to actually save the settings locally from what is selected in the session Web page?

Given that, is there a better method I should consider using? The app currently logs all transactions to a MySQL database. Would it be better to just save the settings in a table and identify them by workstation host name? How do I retrieve the client host name for the session?

Any advice or creative solutions you’ve got to help me solve this problem would be appreciated.

If it is a web app, just store their selections in a cookie and repopulate the values from the cookie every time they go back to the site.

That also lets them change something in the future if they need to without the need to mess with XML files or get the developer involved or anything…

Ah Ha! I knew there was a reason I posed the question here. A cookie is a perfect way to crack this nut. I’ve never used them before but I like the idea. I guess my only question is, what are the potential pitfalls?

A couple off the top of my head:

EU Data laws - Some kind of useless thing like you have to mention your site uses cookies if you target customers in the EU.

Data security - Cookies are insecure and can be edited. Do not store passwords! Verify and validate all secure cookies before accepting their value.

Cookies are great for storing small tidbits of data with the user’s browser though.

Couldn’t the end users delete the cookies?

Or have a glass of milk with them? :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, this is also possible.

This might cause an IllegalCastException

[quote=373398:@Tim Parnell]A couple off the top of my head:

EU Data laws - Some kind of useless thing like you have to mention your site uses cookies if you target customers in the EU.

Data security - Cookies are insecure and can be edited. Do not store passwords! Verify and validate all secure cookies before accepting their value.[/quote]

Fortunately this is an internal US based workflow Web Application only.

You’re giving way to much intelligence credit to the users in this type of manufacturing environment :open_mouth:

Sometimes lower status employees know more than you think. I was the associate level employee who knew how to get out of the virtual environment at {retailer}. Fun fact, the process went: Print something, preview PDF. Opening the PDF would launch Adobe Reader which brought up the desktop, bam CITRIX defeated.

Well… anything is possible but it won’t be catastrophic if the cookie gets deleted. They will have to explain to their supervisor why the work is backing up at their station when they can’t scan it though. Of course the answer is always “not me”