New to Xojo WebApp

Hi I am new to xojo webapp development,

I was following the video which is under,
Video -> Getting Started -> Web App Tutorial I have done up to 09:03. When I run the code I get error.

  1. Sesson.LoadNotes, Line 1 : This item does not exist Notes.Append(New Note)
  2. Sesson.LoadNotes, Line 2 : This item does not exist Notes.Append(New Note)
  3. NotesPage.LoadNotes, Line 4 : Type “Session.Session” has no member named “notes” For Each n As Note In Session.notes
  4. NotesPage.LoadNotes, Line 5 : This item does not exist Notes.List.Addrow(n, Title,categoryText(n.category))
  5. NotesPage.LoadNotes, Line 4 : This is not an arry but you are usingit as one for Each n As Note In Session.notes

Can Anyone help me on why I am getting this please?

Thank you

Probably because you did not do everything what the video says you should do.

Your options:

  1. Watch it again
  2. download the code

But my guess is you did not create the Notes array.

Thank you for your Time Markus,

I had a syntax error on declaration of array.