Retrieve icons from the system icons DLL?

Has anyone in the Windows realm come up with a mechanism for picking Windows icons out of the Windows C:\Windows\System32\imageres.dll collection? I started generating my own image sets for various system icons when I noticed that all of them are included in that DLL.

You mean in Xojo code to load them?
Or with icon editor?

Xojo code - Using FolderItem.IconMBS has sorted the issue for existing files in my case, bbut there are filetypes that may exist (yet) on the user’s system that I’d also like to be able to show an icon for. That file contains all of MS’ general system icons. I’m looking to be able to pull an icon from that DLL rather than “reinvent the wheel”, as it were.

Here you go Tim.

This is just rough, there’s no error checking if you try to get a silly file or icon.

My memoryblock is probably poorly implemented, I don’t use them often enough, let me know if it is.

[quote=366861:@]Here you go Tim.

This is just rough, there’s no error checking if you try to get a silly file or icon.

My memoryblock is probably poorly implemented, I don’t use them often enough, let me know if it is.[/quote]
Thanks, Julian. If I modify, I’ll be sure to update the project.