iOS Folder Icon

New in iOS 11 they included the Files app that lets you browse the file system. I notice that some folders have icons on them. Does anyone know the mechanism those icons are added to the folders? In this case Google has not been my friend as I’m unsure of the proper terminology.

I believe it is automatic if your app creates the folder.

Hm…well, in this very specific case the client wants document folders to have unique icons based on the category. So the “Birth Records” folder might have a baby on it and a “Marriages” folder might show a couple holding hands. Stuff like that.

Well, have you tried like on MacOS to put an Icon file in the folder?
With file name “Icon”+chr(13).

[quote=364312:@Christian Schmitz]Well, have you tried like on MacOS to put an Icon file in the folder?
With file name “Icon”+chr(13).[/quote]
Yes. That works on the Mac but not on iOS.

You are talking about creating subfolders in the iOS /Documents folder (unique to your app)? correct?
What new iOS11 function are you attempting to use?
I have always used a UITableView in the past for this type of thing…
would be interested if there is a new iOS feature I am not aware of :slight_smile:

Tough to explain but here goes. We created Mac/Win app for this client a number of years. We created a folder structure (at their insistence) for them with these icons to help in organizing their project (e.g. children, marriages, deaths, etc). The client now has an iPad Pro and wants us to see if there’s a way for the iPad to show the folders with these icons as well. [quote=364315:@Dave S]You are talking about creating subfolders in the iOS /Documents folder (unique to your app)? correct?[/quote]
Probably iCloud documents, but essentially yes.

There is a new Files app from Apple that allows you to peruse ALL files on your iOS device instead of just for that app.

Yeah, well, just doing the research to see if I can match the client expectations on iOS of what we’ve already delivered on Mac and Windows.