Apple restricting templated apps.

Will Apple limiting templated APPs be an issue for Xojo? IS this a push to force everyone to Swift or Objc??

Why would this affect iOS apps created with Xojo?
Unless someone uses Xojo to create a templated app, then only that particular app would be affected.
But thats by far the exception.

[quote=364155:@Dave S]Why would this affect iOS apps created with Xojo?
Unless someone uses Xojo to create a templated app, then only that particular app would be affected.
But thats by far the exception.[/quote]

Would not your car dealer app (if you completed it) that is meant to be customized for individual dealers be caught under that?

  • Karen

Perhaps… I’m surprised you even remember that discussion :slight_smile:

Hopefully all the bevel buttons, text fields, push buttons and so on doesn’t match into category “template”?

No. I think, what they would like to get rid of is App that are just virtually displaying a Website. For this, you should insted make a WebApp. Those Apps, often made with simple Templated Apps, are often slow and maybe who knows, a security risk? I don’t know… :slight_smile: