BevelButton Memory Leak Windows

I’ve been using a timer to check the value of a variable either true or false and based on that it calls a method which creates a picture which is then assigned to a BevelButton icon.

The timer fires every 100ms and works perfectly on OS X however on windows within minutes the app has used 4GB of memory and then crashes.

I’ve tried creating the pictures during the open event and then assign that picture to the icon instead of creating the picture each time but that has the same affect.

I’ve also tried setting the BevelButton icon to nil before changing it to something else but has made no difference.

Very quick sample can be found here,

I’m lost as to whats going on

Just changing the BackColor option also has the same affect.

your link goes to

Not seeing that in Xojo 2015 windows. Stable over time
Although CPU goes to 100% (Svchost it seems)

Thanks hadn’t noticed that.

[quote=363003:@Jeff Tullin]Not seeing that in Xojo 2015 windows. Stable over time
Although CPU goes to 100% (Svchost it seems)[/quote]

I’ve not tried it in anything older than 2017r2

Now you have. :slight_smile: