Can not pass NULL as parameter to OdbcPreparedStatement

I can not find the right way to pass NULL as a parameter to SqlServer, I always get:

[Microsoft] [ODBC SQL Server Driver] Ungültiger Genauigkeitswert

from the server. Yes, the message is in german and it translates to “illegal precision”, probably meaning the length of the argument passed.

What I do is:

dim Db as OdbcDatabase
... connect ...
dim prep as ODBCPreparedStatement = Db.Prepare( "Update MyTable set MyDate=? where IdVal=123")
Prep.BindType 0, ODBCPreparedStatement.ODBC_TYPE_NULL
Prep.Bind 0, Nil

I tried several versions of this ( including setting a decimal instead of a datetime column) but can not get this to work.

When using non NULL values everything is fine

dim mydate as new date
Prep.BindType 0, ODBCPreparedStatement.ODBC_TYPE_DATE
Prep.Bind 0, mydate

and so is the direct statement: Db.SqlExecute “Update MyTable set MyDate=NULL where IdVal=123”

I use a german Windows7, Xojo 2017R2.1 and SqlServer 2016.

Did anybody succeed in getting ODBCPreparedStatement.ODBC_TYPE_NULL to work?

Leave out this line:

Thanks for your response.

Unfortunatelay commenting out the BIND statement just changes the error to:
“Das COUNT-Feld ist nicht korrekt oder es besteht ein Syntaxfehler”
“The count field is not correct or there is a syntax error”

How about

Prep.BindType 0, ODBCPreparedStatement.ODBC_TYPE_DATE
Prep.Bind 0, Nil

Thanks for your response too.

By checking it I noted that I made a mistake in my original post by saying ODBC_TYPE_DATE works with a legal Date.

This is wrong as ODBC_TYPE_DATE will always give me: “Optional feature has not been implemented” no matter what i pass.

I can however declare the param as ODBC_TYPE_STRING and pass a legal Sql_Date_Time which works.
Unfortunately this type does not allow to pass NIL (->the value of parameter 0 is not a string value).
Passing an empty string sets the datetime ‘1900-01-01 00:00:00’ instead of NULL.

What does work is passing NIL for a numeric database field.

Just for my datetime values I simply find no way to get it right.

I thought someone posted some years ago that he succeeded with this. Was that on a windows client?

Just to summarize what I have so far:

the goal: pass NULL as a parameter for an Sqlserver datetime field
the problem: how to declare the parameter and what to pass
the environment: Xojo 2017R2.1 on german Windows 7, Sqlserver 2016 on english Windows 2012 server

if I declare as:
==> “Optional feature has not been implemented” no matter what I pass

==> “illegal precision value” no matter what I pass

==> Works fine for normal dates but has no way to pass NULL (empty string -> ‘1900-01-01…’, NIL -> ‘conversion error’ )

Here the Testtable:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[mytable](
	[idval] [int] NOT NULL,
	[mydate] [datetime] NULL,
	[mynumber] [decimal](7, 1) NULL,
insert into mytable (idval, mydate, mynumber) values(123, NULL, NULL)

Maybe you can account for it in the SQL statement. Not sure if this will work but maybe something like Set MyDate=coalesce(?,Null).

Why don’t you use Xojo’s MSSQL driver?

@Robert Riordan
Well, COALESCE looks für the first non-Null expression so that won‘t help. Actually I did look at solutions without parameters but I need to write a generic Routine and I hoped to not having to sanitize every single field value.

@Eli Ott
In the past I had nothing but trouble with the native driver. Plus I found a post in this forum where someone could not get this to work with the native driver but said he succeeded using ODBC. Remember I am on windows, it might be different on a Mac.

Thanks so far for the answers.

Just for reference: the post that says that ODBC_Type_Null should work is titled:
