iPhone X cropped screen

Now that iPhone X is out, I realize that the screen of my apps are cropped top and bottom.

I know Xojo doesn’t support Safe Areas yet but is it possible with some declares ?

We’re definitely going to need a solution for this. Do you use Autolayout? Apple’s docs make it sound as though the app should just adjust if using standard controls: https://developer.apple.com/ios/human-interface-guidelines/overview/iphone-x. I haven’t been able to test my app because there is no Xcode 9 support yet and my device is still at least a week away…

Testing one of my iOS on my new iPhone X revealed some alignment issues.
I still have to find out of this is a Xojo issue or a iOS issue.

Feedback case?

Maybe they can add it for r3 with a quick fix.

Yes I use auto layout and the screenshot only shows standard controls.


We’re aware of the issue.
The issue is that as any app built on a slightly older SDK it will have this behaviour.
The only way to fix this is for us to update the iOS SDK to a newer version that requires Xcode 9.
It is being worked on

It’s good to know that this is being worked on. I’ve got users asking why we haven’t released an iPhone X compatible app yet.