Testing Xojo apps on iPhone X simulator

I’m keen to make sure that our iOS app looks good on the iPhone X when it launches, but I’m a bit confused about how we’re supposed to test Xojo iOS apps on it in the Simulator.

Am I right in thinking that we can’t use Xojo 2017 r2.1 with Xcode 9 and the iPhone X simulator? And that we can’t debug on it because 32-bit apps won’t work with iOS 11?

I hope I’m missing something obvious, so if anyone has any bright ideas then please let me know!

Well all we are waiting, unfortunately it keeps on delaying all

Today I ordered an iPhone X which should arrive in “2 to 3 weeks”. I fear that this might be the first opportunity I have to test my app on an iPhone X device, simulated or otherwise. From reading the ? docs, apps that use Autolayout should automagically adjust for the notch.

[quote=356429:@Jason Tait]Today I ordered an iPhone X which should arrive in “2 to 3 weeks”. /quote]

Same here but delivery time is 1 week. :slight_smile:

Nice! Clearly you were faster than me on the clicking. :slight_smile:

My order was done at 9u03 (in Belgium).
I previously added it to my favourites. So I just needed to click on it to order. :slight_smile:

I’m hoping that’s the case, but the rounded corners, notch, and references to ‘safe areas’ in AutoLayout make me concerned that we might need to make some adjustments.

There are other things that need testing too. For example, my app uses TouchID and I’ve got a couple of strings that refer to it by name. I understand that the code should still work with FaceID but I will need to change the name shown if the device has FaceID instead of TouchID. I can’t test any of this without access to Xcode 9 or a real device.