Black PDF empy images using BKeeney Shorts Reports/DynaPDF

Hi to everybody. Printing some optional images loaded using a script with BKeeney Shorts Reports 2.0.5 the images looks well in print preview and on printer.

They are converted in a black background saving as PDF with DynaPDF.
How could i render them white on PDF file?

You may want to talk to BKeeney Software about this.
And maybe check if it works with newer MBS Plugins.
And maybe check if it depends on the picture. Maybe there is transparency involved, which falls back to black?

[quote=355470:@Christian Schmitz]You may want to talk to BKeeney Software about this.
And maybe check if it works with newer MBS Plugins.
And maybe check if it depends on the picture. Maybe there is transparency involved, which falls back to black?[/quote]

I’m waiting for Bob’s response however in Bkeeney on images you can change only visibility and aspect ratio

Why wait when you can simply try different image formats?

And why do you mark your reply as answer when it does not contain the solution???

The issue here is specific to the report that was designed. There are several image spots on that row, and the images are set via Band Script. Images that aren’t needed aren’t ever set, and here they’re showing up black.

I have filed an internal report for this to be handled better.

Has the same trouble and have submitted a bug report to Bob 2 weeks ago.

Technically two different bug reports with different issues. Somewhere along the line Xojo changed something with image transparency and DynaPDF doesn’t like it. Gotta love moving targets.

The unresolved images has been fixed (but not public yet) and we’re still looking at the image transparency issue. Thank you for your patience on this. If you need the fix right now, contact support via email.

We will probably add an images example report to hopefully spot issues like this the future.

Both tickets / issues have been resolved!

A Shorts Designer image object that has no value (ie somewhere along the way, it’s picture was not set) now properly gets removed from the report and becomes invisible. Previously we were using a trick similar to invis.gif, which is how it ended up being related to the DynaPDF transparency issue.

Separately, image transparency with DynaPDF has been fixed. As a side-benefit of this process, in the upcoming release, BKS_Shorts.ImageItem will now accept an ImageSet in addition to a single Picture (which Shorts has always accepted).