Just another xml newbie

Hi all
I need to programmatically access this small .xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>DEPOSITO (10-16-nomina ctp xxxxxx)opec285.20171016160326.00000.10.2.64@pec.aruba.itGESZi3hKgaVxdsFZv30QK5xYzWM=15256/20171<![CDATA[

Controlli terminati con successo. Busta in attesa di accettazione]]>2017-10-1617:37:19

Yes I was able to scan the string for the fields I need but I am trying to get the values in a polite way.

If I use xmldocument I get a XML error: msg:unsupported URI scheme ‘http’
If I use xmlreader I get Exception Message: error in processing external entity reference Exception Error Number: 21

I guess its related to the .dtd part but I don’t know how to apply it to the xml im reading

Any help?

