Use local image in standalone

Using Xojo 2014r2.1 Web
I have created an html invoice to display with HandleSpecialURL and it works great except for one minor issue. I want to be able to display a logo on the invoice and this logo will change depending on the end user. A url works fine like this Request.Print("

" + EndOfLine) but end users don’t always have a web server to use for there logo. I would like to simply use a file in the path of the webapp. Is that possible with a stand alone build? This way the user could copy there logo into the folder and name it logo.png.
Any help or example would be appreciated.

Use a WebPicture or a WebFile .

Take a look at WebFile.Open or WebPicture.Constructor(file as FolderItem)

Thanks, I have looked at all of those. I can get the picture from file and display in a WebImage viewer but my problem is sending it to a HTML web page in HandleSpecialURL using Request.Print
I saved the picture in app.logopic property and then tried using the app.logopic.url but that did not work either.
Any suggestions?

I figure it out. Thanks for the hints that put me on the right track.

@Gary Smith : You could do something like that using Aloe (

For example, you could place the logos in a folder, and then just reference them locally.

I will take a look at Aloe. Thanks