Valentina ADK (reports) y problemas con Xojo r2.1

Hola de nuevo.

Con r1.1 todo iba bien, he descomprimido la r2.2 he pasado el plugins “ValentinaPlugin” a la carpeta de plugin de r2.2. Tambin los archivos de las librera v4rg y v4_x64 en Xojo Libs.

La cuestin es que abro proyectos que usan valentina reports hechos con la versin r.1.1 que SI iban, y en la r2.2 se interrumpen al inicializar el informe.

Alguien sabe si hay que hacer algo ms ?

(uso linux)

Hola Cecilio,

Creo que los archivos v4_x64 deberan ir copiados a la ruta /usr/local/lib/vcomponents


It’s faster to get answers on the Valentina forum for Valentina problems.

There shouldn’t be a difference between Xojo 2017r1 and r2. How do you install the Valentina components? For 64bit you need to add " 64" to the shell command for the script:

[code]'add valentina files

dim CountSlashes as Integer = CountFields(ProjectShellPath, “/”)
dim ProjectName as string = NthField(ProjectShellPath, “/”, CountSlashes)
dim ProjectPath as String = Left(ProjectShellPath, Len(ProjectShellPath) - Len(ProjectName))
dim cmd as String = ProjectPath + “Contents/install_vcomponents_v4rb_v6 " + CurrentBuildLocation + “/” + getShellString(CurrentBuildAppName) + “.app/”
if CurrentBuildTarget = 16 then
cmd = cmd + " 64”
end if
'print cmd

dim theOutput as string = doShellCommand(cmd)
if theOutput <> “” then print "Add Valentina Files: " + theOutput

function getShellString(theString as String) as string
theString = ReplaceAll(theString, " ", "\ ")
theString = ReplaceAll(theString, “&”, “\&”)
theString = ReplaceAll(theString, “(”, "( ")
theString = ReplaceAll(theString, “)”, ") ")
return theString
end Function[/code]