iOStextarea and placeholder

Hi I’m looking for a iOStextarea control with a placeholder attribute, have anybody seen such a plugin?

UITextView, the native control behind a textarea, does not have a placeholder property. You’d have to build a custom subclass based on iOSTextarea, in case nobody created one yet.

I agree! But I had hoped I had overlooked a plugin somewhere.

Place an iOSLabel in the TextArea.

Name it lblPlaceholder

Using the Auto-layout constraints, place the label at
Left + 5 pixels
Top + 1 pixel

Set the text color of the label to gray 75%

And in the TextArea.TextChange event:

lblPlaceholder.Visible = me.Text.Empty

Good idea and may work in many cases, but it is not folowing the traditional placeholder fremwork, where the text disappears when the courser points at the textarea. In you proposals we ned a TextArea.cursorfocus event.

That may be the case in Desktop apps, but on iOS when using an iOSTextField, the placeholder is displayed even if the control has the focus. The placeholder only disappears when at least one character is typed.

My proposal for iOSTextArea mimics perfectly the behavior seen in iOSTextField.