Updating content doesn't display properly

One of my apps updates the screen content when changing views using this code:

[code]Public Sub GoToView(mview As iOSView)
If iOSSplitView.Available Then
Dim split As New iOSSplitView

split.Master = mview
Dim detail As New FormView
split.Detail = detail
App.CurrentScreen.Content = split

App.CurrentScreen.Content = mview
End If

End Sub[/code]
The detail view is a form that updates to show what you’ve selected in the master view. The problem I and my users are seeing is that using App.CurrentScreen.Content to update the detail view sometimes results in not all of the view being drawn. Sometimes it’s just one element, like a textarea that gets drawn part way and glitches while everything else in the view is fine. A user sent me a screenshot where almost nothing drew correctly. In my case, if I rotate the display to portrait and then back to landscape it redraws correctly.

Should I just abandon this approach and update the form contents manually instead of forcing the view to change?

Do you do any setup of the form in the Constructor of FormView ?

Maybe it tries to setup the contents before being assigned to the split view so it doesn’t know yet what are the bounds of the view.

You might need to refresh the form in the Resized event of FormView.

Good question. No, I’m not using the Constructor. I use the Open event only to style fonts, and the Activate event to populate all the labels and textareas with data.