Anyone with an old RS install on Debian?

Hi Folks,

Before I recreate the wheel here, does anyone have an old RS install on a Debian Linux system? I’m looking for the desktop file definition to create a shareable xojo2017r2.desktop file so that Xojo is placed into the start menu and the file types are properly recognized…

Specifically, the MimeType= entry.

Not sure if this is what you are looking for but here is what i use…


[Desktop Entry] Name=Xojo Type=Application Categories=Development StartupNotify=true Exec=/opt/Xojo/xojo2017r1.1/Xojo Icon=/opt/Xojo/xojo2017r1.1/appicon_48.png MimeType=text/html; Keywords=Text;Editor;Write;Web;Development; StartupWMClass=bracket

You can create the same file on the desktop to show it there.

This doesn’t let you click on xojo project files to open them though… if you figure that please let me know!

Hi Daniel,

That’s what I’m trying to sort - the MimeTypes. Those entries are what assign the .rbbas / .xojo_code and other extensions to the Xojo app.

I know the format for the .xml Mime files (/usr/share/mime/application/ files), but I’m trying to make certain that I cover as many options as I can.

This is wrong value.

There are several steps to make Linux OS to recognize xojo filetype and can be opened directly with xojo. Please keep in the mind that I’m using Arch Linux ( and not debian-based distro.

STEP 1: Make OS to recognize xojo_binary_project filetype

  1. Create an XML file to define a new mimetype inside ~/.local/share/mime/packages or /usr/share/mime/packages directory. In my system, I’m using xojo.xml to define all Xojo-related filetype.

  2. Put this code into xojo.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mime-info xmlns="">

   <mime-type type="application/x-xojo-binaryproject">
      <comment>Xojo binary project</comment>
      <comment xml:lang="en">Xojo binary project</comment>
      <glob pattern="*.xojo_binary_project"/>
      <icon name="application-x-xojo-binary-project"/>

  1. Update mimetype database
$ update-mime-database ~/.local/share/mime


# update-mime-database /usr/share/mime

OS will automatically recognize *.xojo_binary_project

STEP 2: Add icon to recognize xojo_binary_project

  1. Create application-x-xojo-binaryproject icon ( SVG or PNG).

  2. Put the file inside your current icon theme based on the created icon size.

STEP 3: Tell OS that Xojo IDE can open xojo_binary_project file.

  1. Now, create xojo.desktop file and put this code
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=A RAD environment based on BASIC that compiles native applications for Windows, Mac, Linux, and the web.
Exec=/opt/xojo/Xojo %U
  1. Put the file inside /usr/share/applications directory.

  2. Restart your system if the changes are not applied yet.

Your OS should now recognize both filetype icon and Xojo IDE.


Thanks, Asis. I know all of that. I was just hoping that someone had the old vnd.realstudio*.xml and vnd.xojo*.xml mime type files around with the defined types so I didn’t have to reinvent the wheel. I want to share the XML and .desktop files with new Linux users (since Xojo no longer offers the .deb package that used to include this info).

I’ve submitted a feature request - <>, but I figured I’d provide them externally for anyone getting into Xojo on Linux.

@Tim, sorry never use RS on linux :).

It was still a good lesson to others creating a Desktop App for Linux and how to set up their .desktop and .xml mime type files :wink:

Almost all of my apps are mainly targetting linux (for private use only) except for my employer.

Thanks Asis! I appreciate your insights.

Perhaps you will have a built in solution in a future release.