MouseDown does not trigger

I have a Canvas control with a MouseDown Event with code in it but when I click on the Canvas, the MouseDown Event does not trigger. I even added a breakpoint just to make sure I wasn’t missing something in my code.

Try Return True after the code in the MouseDown event

this wont help if the mouse down event is not being called at all

On what OS ?
32 bit code ? 64 bit code ?
Web project ? Desktop ? iOS ?

Does the canvas have focus?

I got the MouseDown event to work but now the MouseUp event doesn’t fire even though I have the MouseDown event have Return True at the end.

Destop. OS doesn’t matter

[quote=345609:@Charles Fasano]I got the MouseDown event to work but now the MouseUp event doesn’t fire even though I have the MouseDown event have Return True at the end.

Destop. OS doesn’t matter[/quote]
Are you sure the Return True is being reached?

[quote=345609:@Charles Fasano]I got the MouseDown event to work but now the MouseUp event doesn’t fire even though I have the MouseDown event have Return True at the end.

Destop. OS doesn’t matter[/quote]

There’s got to be something else going on as the IDE has a huge number of canvases and they all behave as expected
The IDE wouldn’t work otherwise

Yes. I put a Breakpoint on the Return True code and it does get fired.

EDIT: I figured out the issue. My Canvas has a custom control class (ABCanvas from and I had some code in the MouseUp event of the class commented out which apparently was causing the MouseUp Event in the Main Window not to fire. Sorry for wasting your time.