Any Day app released


Apple just released Any Day for sale. Any Day is a perpetual calendar. Was completely rewritten in Xojo!

Thanks to everyone on Forum who answered questions.


Bob I typed in any day in the search bar and World Clock came up.


i found this why i google for any day app

Hi Bob,

On the fourth screenshot how did you add “description rows” underneath a white row in the table ?

‘Go to a Another Day’ should read ‘Go to another day’

Edit: was this the app in question? There are two names associated with it and neither of them are ‘Bob Gordon’ …

Any Day’ van Interrobang Group

That’s the app.

i am pretty sure i did not see that a few days ago. just appear today

Nah it was there before just had to search a special way in the app store

I could swear Apple have rules against two apps with the same name…

i type “any day” a few days ago and i am sure it was not there… try it again today and it appear.
I am doing the search on iTunes from UK.

Only if they are registrered for the same country.