textfield Mask and LimitText together

txtKey.Mask = “>?#?#?#”
txtkey.LimitText = 6

After the user has entered the proper text mask, for some reason they are allowed to continue entering anything else past the Max of 6.

A1B2C3 is what Im looking for in pattern but 6 Max

Because ? is an optional placeholder your mask would allow for more characters after the last required numeric. I don’t see a “required alphabetic” placeholder in the docs, so you may need to do some text entry validation yourself.

i figured out by putting \ at the end gives the results im looking for. prevents entering anything else

txtKey.Mask = “>?#?#?#”

Hi, I didn’t want to open another thread because I think this is related to what I have.

Mask: AAA
I can only enter 3 letters

Mask: >AAA
I expect only uppercase and only 3 letters. Everything is converted to uppercase but it is not limited to 3, I can continue entering information.

Mask: >AAA\
Will work as I expected ‘>AAA’ should work.

The docs say:
\ Mask escape character.
Treats the next character in the mask as a literal. The escape character enables you to use the ‘#’, ‘&’, ‘A’, ‘?’ (and so on) characters in the mask. The escaped character is treated as a literal (formatting) character. For example, the mask “\C\C-9999” accepts the entry “1234” and returns “CC-1234”.

My guess is that >AAA\ works because the next character as a literal after \ is the end-of-line?
