SQLite encryption question

Hi. What is the appropriate method of encrypting a SQLite db? I see in the docs that you use this to encrypt it

Dim db As New SQLiteDatabase db.DatabaseFile = GetFolderItem("db.sqlite") If db.Connect Then db.Encrypt("howdy+doody") Else //handle error here End If

But then to read the file, you need to supply the encryption key such as

Dim db As New SQLiteDatabase db.DatabaseFile = GetFolderItem("db.sqlite") db.EncryptionKey = "howdy+doody" If Not db.Connect Then //handle error here End If

Can these be combined with something like this? Or is there a better way?

[code] dim dbFileExam as FolderItem
dbExam = new SQLiteDatabase
dbFileExam = SpecialFolder.ApplicationData.Child(“com.visualveggiessoftware.newcharttest”).Child(“examRDDTR.sqlite”)
dbExam.DatabaseFile = dbFileExam

	if dbExam.DatabaseFile.Exists = true then
			// The database file already exists, so we want to connect to it.
			If dbExam.Connect Then 'db file is encrypted
			end if
			dbExam.EncryptionKey = "pasword" 'pass in encryption key
			If dbExam.Connect Then
					  // Key was correct; DB is connected
			End If
			MsgBox "Database is missing."
	end if[/code]

Dim db As New SQLiteDatabase db.DatabaseFile = GetFolderItem("db.sqlite") db.EncryptionKey = "howdy+doody" If Not db.Connect Then //handle error here End If
I use this in my applications, no issue with it. So set the encryptionkey before you connect.

If DB_Connection.Connect=False Then
    If x=21 Or x=26 Then' File is encrypted or is not a database

Thanks guys. I guess my question is you have to use both

db.Encrypt("password") 'to set the password

and then

db.EncryptionKey = "password" 'use the password to unlock

before connecting as

If db.Connect Then // Key was correct; DB is connected End If

If Not db.Connect Then //handle error here End If

I have 3 database files. One is prefilled and copied from the Resource folder on first open, and the other two are created on first open. None are encrypted initially, so you first set encryption with db.Encrypt(“password”) and then make a call to the password by using db.EncryptionKey = “password”? So is this the correct way to perform both?

[code]if db.DatabaseFile.Exists = true then
// The database file already exists, so we want to connect to it.
If db.Connect Then //Set the encryption key
end if

db.EncryptionKey = “password” //pass in encryption key

If db.Connect Then
// Key was correct; DB is connected
End If
MsgBox “Database is missing.”
end if[/code]