Webfileupload listindex

Hi Guys,

Is there a way to select the row of Webfileupload programmatically, like weblistbox listindex?

Anybody has the idea?

Is there a reason to?

Hi Tim,

Yes. because I noticed that after I upload the photo, the row is not focused. I wanted to make webfileupload to be focused on the row of the last uploaded file automatically.

Maybe remove the file from the uploader and use a listbox to display files that were successfully uploaded.
I don’t see a documented way to select rows in the uploader programmatically.

Thanks, Tim!

The whole reason for this is that I noticed that the “-” does not become active after the upload event. I still need to use my mouse to select the row of webuploadfile so that the “-” button becomes active. :slight_smile:

[quote=330081:@ronaldo florendo]Thanks, Tim!

The whole reason for this is that I noticed that the “-” does not become active after the upload event. I still need to use my mouse to select the row of webuploadfile so that the “-” button becomes active. :)[/quote]
Uh… that list should automatically clear after the upload is successful if I recall correctly.

Thank you.