Use maps

How I can use mpas in iOS application with xojo?

Look at /Example Projects/iOS/Apps/EddiesElectronics/EEiOS.xojo_binaryproject

No, this is sample call http:

Dim address As Text = Customer.ShortAddress.ReplaceAll(" ", "%20")
Call ShowURL("" + address)

I need usa interactive map, add points, manage selected point, etc… like Google Maps, like I need use maps in my iOS app, and not call external app. Can I do it?

The answer is yes it is possible, but no it isn’t easy. You’ll have to use declares for this. dtPlugins might have a class for it - I’m not sure. Otherwise you’ll have to do everything yourself. I have something in the works for this for iOSKit but I can’t make any promises at this point.

how I can do it? there is a guide?