XOJO "Unsaved changes" messages

Can someone explain this (if there is an explanation).
This morning I’m busy programing with XOJO while a raging storm bucketed down outside. I’d been working on this function for quite a while without saving then BANG a nearby lightning strike and all the power goes out for a few seconds.
No worries, I though as my computer starts rebooting. I start XOJO and sure enough I get the message telling me there was unsaved changes and would I like to recover them. I do and it puts me back a few minutes before the lightning strike, close enough that I can remember the last stuff I entered. What a blessing!!

Now the bad part. I work on my project file in my Dropbox from my Mac, Windows and sometimes my Linux computer. Sometimes I open the project on XOJO 2013 4.1 so I can compile it for XP users. (I don’t save it I just build it). Sometimes I open in earlier Realbasic versions if I need a single file executable. Again, only to compile.
(Side-note - I’ll be screwed when folderitem.absolutePath is finally removed because at present everything is backward compatible).
The problem is changing IDEs triggers the Unsaved changes message permanently and now I see it everytime I open. The only cure is to agree with it but alas I’ve done that before and it has lost a lot of recent work.
So what I’m getting at is what makes the IDE think there is unsaved changes when I saved fine last time I opened? How much longer will we have the precious absolutepath and when will it stop raining?

[quote=300118:@Craig Grech]
So what I’m getting at is what makes the IDE think there is unsaved changes when I saved fine last time I opened? [/quote]

I have similar in Linux, when I open a second project the message appears.

I open the project on XOJO 2013 4.1 so I can compile it for XP users
I compile using Xojo 2015r1 (the one I have a license for) for Windows XP.

Yes that happens too. The thing is when you compile a project in a different IDE it may not alter the original project file but it is be saving a copy somewhere.
When I close without saving ie. I don’t want to ruin the project or lose data by opening it in an earlier version, this backup still exists and will continue to haunt me forever until I agree to save it.

>I open the project on XOJO 2013 4.1 so I can compile it for XP users I compile using Xojo 2015r1 (the one I have a license for) for Windows XP.
Yes but according to their depreciation page that only works for XP users with SP3, you need 2013 4.1 for the original version.
When I advertise a program works with Windows XP I mean all versions.
I don’t suggest they update to SP3 because firstly it’s difficult to do now and also I know there is a lot of users of pirate copies of XP that can’t because they can’t get past the Windows validation.

What format is the project file in (text, binary) ?
Have you cleared your caches on all computers?

Do not do this. Dropbox has caused more problems for more users than it’s worth. Use a version control system like Subversion or Git. This will allow you to sync versions across all computers and so much more, without corrupting your project files.

If you insist on using Dropbox, do not work out of the Dropbox folder. Copy your changes in when you are done with Xojo.

I think it has something to do with caches, temporary items, and the application support folder. Clear them all out and I think it should go away.

You should stop using absolutepath immediately.

When you stop making the heavens cry by using absolutepath.

Also, this drives me nuts so I bring it up

It’s XOJO in the header of this forum :wink:

That is logotext. When you read the documentation or any of the copy anywhere on the website it is always Xojo.
I wonder if I can use this as a filter to figure out who read the docs or not… Hm. Thanks for the idea :wink:

@Craig Grech How much longer will we have the precious absolutepath? (Answer) You should stop using absolutepath immediately.

I use absolutepath because the program is written to use exactly what it returns no mater what IDE (old or new) I open it for.
It’s not as simple as doing a find/replace with nativepath , the program won’t create or open files/folders with the correct path after that.
Any ideas how I can make the program run the same in old and new IDEs using nativepath and not having to recode and I’ll gladly change.

As for XOJO capitals, if they really wanted it in proper case they would put it in capitals in their trademark (where I copied it from).
It appears at least 4 times in capitals on their homepage also (XOJO resources, About XOJO etc etc.)
I don’t think anyone knows the absolute (opps sorry) native way of writing it.

which is more important? “XOJO”, “Xojo”, “xojo”, “XoJo” or helping people solve problems?

Short answer is, you can’t. I spend a lot of time updating old code to work with both Xojo and newer platforms, so I understand it’s difficult and not fun - however it must be done to stay current.

You need to sit down and update the code. It’s deprecated because it’s old and should not be used. It will be removed at some point, and zero-day is the worst time to have to update your code (recall the emergency QuickTime removal/update.)

Additionally, you are using older IDEs to build for unsupported platforms (not even Microsoft supports XP, and Apple doesn’t support PPC Macs) so I really don’t feel sympathy to that issue.

Honestly, you have to drop older platforms at some point, or maintain separate branches of your code.

Both. I do both :stuck_out_tongue:

Couldn’t resist, I love a good argument:

While it appears 4 times as all capitals on the home page, it appears 31 times as standard case (as of 26 Nov 2016)

The 4 times it appears as all capitals are 2 logotext, and 2 headers where the whole phrase is capitalized “XOJO RESOURCES” and “ABOUT XOJO, INC” Additionally, if you look at the HTML source code for those two headers, you can see the raw text is “Xojo Resources” and “About Xojo, Inc.” It is only transformed into capitals by the CSS text-transform: uppercase;

Do I win yet? :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, to solve the original problem:

[quote=300144:@Tim Parnell]What format is the project file in (text, binary) ?
Have you cleared your caches on all computers?[/quote]

I think I never have used AbsolutePath (lucky me) in favor of ShellPath.

However, it seems fairly easy do a replace of the separator to obtain nativepath from absolutepath, and the other way around.

After all, the only thing that differs is the separator “:” instead of “/”.

It is not even escaped.

Thanks all, what I was hoping for was some code to create a function that that work in all Xojo IDEs using non-depreciated methods and properties so I didn’t have to use absolutepath or nativepath at all in this project.

Then I could simply call something like classicPath(myFolderitem) in RB or early or late Xojo without a problem.

As for using absolutePath forever, that’s not going to happen because XP users will eventually go to the grave (to join Windows Vista and Clippy the Microsoft Office Assistant ) and then I will make the decision to use nativepath.

Module MyFolderItemExtensions
      function Path(extend f as Folderitem) as string
             #if RBVersion < 2016.03
                      return f.absolutePath
                      return f.nativePath
      end function
end module

Why not XojoVersion, as RBVersion says it is deprecated?

if you go BACK to really old versions(like prior to 2013) they dont have Xojo Version

So depending on how far back you want to go RBVersion may be appropriate