Javascript Error "$ is not defined" to try implement custom DatePicker Webcontrol

I need implement this custom Webcontrol:

Javascript Error:

Could not execute returned javascript: $ is not defined
    format: 'DD-MM-YYYY',
$("#XibKlIt1").on("dp.change", function(e) {
    console.log( "Handler for .change() called." );
    console.log( );

SSCalendarHTML Constant:

<div class="container">
    <div class="row">
        <div class='col-sm-6'>
            <div class="form-group">
                <div class='input-group date' id='[ControlID]'>
                    <input type='text' class="form-control" />
                    <span class="input-group-addon">
                        <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></span>

SSCalendarJS Constant:

    format: 'DD-MM-YYYY',

$("#[ControlID]").on("dp.change", function(e) {
    console.log( "Handler for .change() called." );
    console.log( );

In SetupHTML:

Return HTML

In SetupJavascript Framework:

  Return JS

This javascript code works correctly in this url:

If $ is not defined jQuery hasn’t loaded.

Thanks Tim, but I check that JQuery is loaded. Continues the same error. I show image of Javascript loading:

Full Javascript Error Trace:

Could not execute returned javascript: $ is not defined
Source: var langdir = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; if(langdir) { langdir.removeAttribute('dir'); }
var langdir = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; if(langdir) { langdir.setAttribute('lang','es'); }
Xojo.loadLibraries("/F39DA36B1CF7053FBB869C3D7D1B35DB6A328C1C/files/8001-0695-8725-7556-4878/01_jquery-3.1.1.min.js", function() {
Xojo.loadLibraries("/F39DA36B1CF7053FBB869C3D7D1B35DB6A328C1C/files/1817-5062-6531-9081-6091/02_bootstrap.min.js", function() {
Xojo.loadLibraries("/F39DA36B1CF7053FBB869C3D7D1B35DB6A328C1C/files/9480-9090-6779-3022-1841/03_moment-with-locales.js", function() {
Xojo.loadLibraries("/F39DA36B1CF7053FBB869C3D7D1B35DB6A328C1C/files/2976-9025-7502-2908-6281/05_jstz.min.js", function() {
Xojo.loadLibraries("/F39DA36B1CF7053FBB869C3D7D1B35DB6A328C1C/files/6235-8776-2535-2953-2772/07_bootstrap-datetimepicker.js", function() {
Xojo.get('PquFDGXy').onchange = function(){Xojo.triggerServerEvent('PquFDGXy', 'MyTextChanged', [SSTextField1,Xojo.get('PquFDGXy').value]);};
Xojo.get('PquFDGXy').onfocus = function(){Xojo.triggerServerEvent('PquFDGXy', 'MyGotFocus');};
Xojo.get('PquFDGXy').onblur = function(){Xojo.triggerServerEvent('PquFDGXy', 'MyLostFocus');};
Xojo.get('PquFDGXy').onmousedown = function(){Xojo.triggerServerEvent('PquFDGXy', 'MyMouseDown');};
Xojo.get('PquFDGXy').onmouseup = function(){Xojo.triggerServerEvent('PquFDGXy', 'MyMouseUp');};
Xojo.get('PquFDGXy').onmouseover = function(){Xojo.triggerServerEvent('PquFDGXy', 'MyMouseEnter');};
Xojo.get('PquFDGXy').onmouseout = function(){Xojo.triggerServerEvent('PquFDGXy', 'MyMouseExit');};$("#PquFDGXy").datetimepicker({
    format: 'DD-MM-YYYY',

$("#PquFDGXy").on("dp.change", function(e) {
    console.log( "Handler for .change() called." );
    console.log( );
new frameworkObject('Ky2AQnxF',['Close','Open','Shown']);
document.title = "FileDown";

I can assure you, that is the cause.
jQuery may have completely loaded after the attempt to use it.

Send me the project file by email and I’ll see if I can tweak it to work for you.

[quote=294986:@Tim Parnell]I can assure you, that is the cause.
jQuery may have completely loaded after the attempt to use it.

Send me the project file by email and I’ll see if I can tweak it to work for you.[/quote]

Thanks Tim for your offer. I’m doing some tests, because not convince me a javascript library as heavy as JQuery…

The JQuery library is going to load synchronously, and that error disappears:

In SetupHTML:


            WebFile1.Append new WebFile '
            Dim Index As Integer = WebFile1.Ubound
            WebFile1 (Index) = WebFile.Open (f)
            if instr (0, WebFile1 (Index) .URL.Uppercase, "JQUERY")> 0 then
              ExecuteJavascript ( "loadJavaScriptSync ( '" + WebFile1 (Index) .url + "');")
            end if

  JS = SSLoadJSFunction '<-Constant

  JS = JS + "<script> var = new cScriptLoader ScriptLoader (["
  for i = 0 to WebFile1.Ubound
    if instr (0, WebFile1 (i) .URL.Uppercase, "JQUERY")> 0 then
      JS = JS + " '" + WebFile1 (i) .url + "'"
      if i <> Then WebFile1.Ubound
        JS JS = + ","
      end if
    end if
  next i
  JS = JS + "]); ScriptLoader.loadFiles (); </ script>"

Return HTML

Javascript Code Functions in one Constant:

cScriptLoader var = (function ()
    cScriptLoader function (files)
        _this var = this;
        this.log = function (t)
            console.log ( "ScriptLoader:" + t);
        this.withNoCache = function (filename)
            if (filename.indexOf ( "?") === -1)
                filename + = "? no_cache =" + new Date () getTime ().;
                filename + = "& no_cache =" + new Date () getTime ().;
            return filename;
        this.loadStyle = function (filename)
            // HTMLLinkElement
            var link = document.createElement ( "link");
            link.rel = "stylesheet";
            link.type = "text / css";
            link.href = _this.withNoCache (filename);
            _this.log ( 'Loading style' + filename);
            link.onload = function ()
                _this.log ( 'Loaded style "' + filename + ''. ');
            link.onerror = function ()
                _this.log ( 'Error loading style "' + filename + ''. ');
            _this.m_head.appendChild (link);
        this.loadScript = function (i)
            var script = document.createElement ( 'script');
            script.type = 'text / javascript';
            script.src = _this.withNoCache (_this.m_js_files [i]);
            loadNextScript var = function ()
                if (i + 1 <_this.m_js_files.length)
                    _this.loadScript (i + 1);
            script.onload = function ()
                _this.log ( 'Loaded script "' + _this.m_js_files [i] + ''. ');
                loadNextScript ();
            script.onerror = function ()
                _this.log ( 'Error loading script "' + _this.m_js_files [i] + ''. ');
                loadNextScript ();
            _this.log ( 'Loading script "' + _this.m_js_files [i] + ''. ');
            _this.m_head.appendChild (script);
        this.loadFiles = function ()
            // This.log (this.m_css_files);
            // This.log (this.m_js_files);
            for (var i = 0; i <_this.m_css_files.length; ++ i)
                _this.loadStyle (_this.m_css_files [i]);
            _this.loadScript (0);
        this.m_js_files = [];
        this.m_css_files = [];
        this.m_head = document.getElementsByTagName ( "head") [0];
        // This.m_head = document.head; // Only IE9 +
        endsWith function (str, suffix)
            if (str === === null null || suffix)
                return false;
            str.indexOf return (suffix, str.length - suffix.length) == -1!;
        for (var i = 0; i <files.length; ++ i)
            if (endsWith (files [i], ".css"))
                this.m_css_files.push (files [i]);
            else if (endsWith (files [i], "js"))
                this.m_js_files.push (files [i]);
                this.log ( 'Error unknown filetype "' + files [i] + ''. ');
    cScriptLoader return;
}) ();

loadJavaScriptSync function (filePath)
    var req = new XMLHttpRequest (); ( "GET" filePath, false); // 'False': synchronous.
    req.send (null);

    headElement var = document.getElementsByTagName ( "head") [0];
    var = document.createElement newScriptElement ( "script");
    newScriptElement.type = "text / javascript";
    newScriptElement.text = req.responseText;
    headElement.appendChild (newScriptElement);