Add info to info.plist does not work anymore ?

Have I dreamt it, or was it that in early Xojo iOS days dragging a file called info.plist in the project merged its content with the app info.plist ?

I just tried, and it generates an error.

Continuing to try and find a workaround again, as usual one of the gazillion failings of Xojo iOS, I am now trying to apply the same build script as what is used in Mac OS :

Dim App As String = CurrentBuildLocation + "/""" + CurrentBuildAppName + ".app""" Call DoShellCommand("/usr/bin/defaults write " + App + "/Contents/Info ""NSUIElement"" 1")

To adapt to Xojo iOS,
1 - I discovered that CurrentBuildAppName already contained “.app”
2 - Info.plist is not in /Contents, it is in the root directory of the bundle.

So I came up with this :

Dim App As String = CurrentBuildLocation + "/""" + CurrentBuildAppName Call DoShellCommand("/usr/bin/defaults write " + App + "/Contents/Info ""NSUIElement"" 1")

But the key never gets written :frowning:

Besides, what I need to add to the Info.Plist is more complex :

<key>UIAppFonts</key> <array> <string>Zz.ttf</string> </array>

This probably means I will have to extract the Info.Plist manually, modify it, and put it back with a copy files :confused:

Have I already said Xojo iOS is a pain in the you know what ?

You have to use PlistBuddy to edit the info.plist for iOS. Defaults write does not work.

Thank you Jason, I had forgotten about that post.

Worked for me.