ANSI C to Xojo conversion

I have a 3rd-party toolkit source code written in ANSI standard C. It also come with compiled DLL in both 32 and 64 bits but only for Windows. The help say since the source is in ANSI standard C therefore can compile for use with other OS. The only problem in the graphing module. Here is from the Help file:

If you are working in a non-Windows environment, you can still use most of the Toolkit functions. The Toolkit is written in ANSI standard C, and will compile with any C/C++ compiler on any platform with little or no modification. The one exception is the graphing module. The graphing functions are written using calls to the Windows GDI API.

I would like to start new projects with Xojo cross-platform so I am trying to find out whether there is an ANSI standard C to Xojo code converter somewhere I can use for the graphing module only which is about 800+ lines of codes. If not, any recommendation to any reading source that can guide me the way. I know the best is I learn C and I do have the books but I am trying to see if there is a faster way.

The others modules I think should be no problem compiling with Xcode for OS X, although I will have to learn how to do it eventually.

Thanks for any help and info.

I’m not aware of a such C to Xojo converter, however, being the graphics code targeted to Windows GDI, a Xojo conversion would be useless. The corresponding code for OS X would be drastically different for sure.

Thanks Massimo,

Guess I have to do it manually. Of course the GDI will not work on OS X so I will need to change to use Xojo codes where needed to be cross-platform.