Xojo Libs Folder

On the xojo blog, (http://blog.xojo.com/2014/08/15/the_libs_folder/) it says:

Multiple apps could use the same Libs folder. For example, let's say you were building several command line apps, which we'll conveniently name App1, App2 and App3. When you build each one, they'd also build with an "App1 Libs", "App2 Libs", and "App3 Libs" folder respectively. If these executables were to be distributed as one package, you could simply combine them into one Libs folder, aptly named "Libs". In other words, just copy all the necessary DLLs (or .so files for Linux) and dependencies from each "AppX Libs" folder to a common "Libs" folder.

I tried to do this but I got this error:

Runtime Error
Please report what caused this error along with the information below.
Common/plugin.cpp: 5454
Failure Condition: 0
The application cannot continue because a needed file cannot be installed. Unable to locate App1 Libs/libRBCrypto.so

Aborted (core dumped)

Do I need to have a Libs folder with each app’s Lib folder in it or can I have each app sharing the same libs (having the user download 1/2gb of libs is too much to ask)


It sounds like you created a single Libs folder but did not put all the various files from each of the app-specific Libs folders into it.

Both app are the same with a button, one has a button with “msgbox(“hello”)” the other has “msgbox(“world”)”
these libs are in both folders, i put them into one folder called “Libs”


The Libs folder needs to have all the Libs in them, not just the ones common to both.

Rename App1 Libs to just Libs, then drag all the Libs from App2 Libs into this Libs folder. You can select no to replacing any existing files. Delete the App2 Libs folder.

Both apps should work just fine now from that one Libs folder.

Your main folder should contain


(2 executables and a folder.) Any other folder structure is wrong.

me@ubuntu:~/temp/libstest$ ls
App1 App2 Libs Resources
me@ubuntu:~/temp/libstest$ ls Libs/
libc++.so.1 libRBInternetEncodings.so XojoConsoleFramework32.so
libGZip.so libRBRegEx.so
libRBCrypto.so SSLSocket.so
me@ubuntu:~/temp/libstest$ ./App1
Runtime Error
Please report what caused this error along with the information below.
Common/plugin.cpp: 5454
Failure Condition: 0
The application cannot continue because a needed file cannot be installed. Unable to locate App1 Libs/libRBCrypto.so

Aborted (core dumped)

Out of curiosity which version of Xojo are you using ?

Up to date:

2015 Release 2.4

I think there’s a bug report about this with crypto
not verified but reported