MSGBox Buttons

I write a program for the dutch languages, how can i change the text on MsgBox butons form “Yes” to" Ja" and “No” to “nee” ???

Have you changed the local language on the computer to Dutch?
If so, it SHOULD have changed the labels for you.

But, it seems that it DOESN’t… I just tried it…

You can use MessageDialog instead and change the captions yourself if it doesn’t do it for you. Just be sure to use dynamic constants.

Changing the computer to dutch is not the solution, I am working on the german platform and the buttons have the Items Yes & No.
Also on the Dutch platform.
I wil tray it with the messagedialog, i never use something like that before but maybe with tray and Error.

As a matter of interest.
I have been working on a SWIFT program, and needed to implement a custom MsgBox like control… this topic posting has made me port this control to XOJO… And a part of it I am going to attempt to having it localize the buttons (titles and messages are up to the developer)

It will follow the concept of the MsgBox in VB6, with OK, Abort, Retry, Cancel, Ignore, Yes and No button combinations

but will LOOK like the AlertBox that is in iOS

see here, (Bob Keeney’s Alert) for OSX saves the hassle of switching around.

I’ve always used MsgBox, MessageDialog looks like it offers more flexibility, I’ll have to try it. Although I see we are still stuck with the same graphic limitations on OSX as with the MsgBox. Nothings screams out STOP!!! like a pencil, paintbrush and a ruler.

In my projects I use two convenience methods, both of which utilize MessageDialog.

Sub QuickAlertDialog (showWithin As Window, message As String, explanation As String = "", actionCaption As String = "")

Function QuickRequestDialog (showWithin As Window, message As String, explanation As String = "", actionCaption As String = "", cancelCaption As String = "") As Boolean

I’m sure you can guess what the code is for each. Except where I need something fancier, I use these instead of MsgBox.

It will display your app icon when you put one in.

Thanks, Tim. I wonder if they thought out the possibility that someone might want to build an app for a company called “GO!, Inc.”

OK, Thanks, the answer from Axel Schneider is the answer and example that I need.