Can i compile Mac apps if i am running in windows?


I judst download today the trial, and i cant build my tests.

I want to know if i can compile for OSX from my computer (im running in windows).

What i need is cross compiling.

Thanks in advance and exceuse me for such a newbie question.

Yes you definitely compile for Mac from Windows (or Linux) and vice versa, that is one of the main ideas of Xojo. Just make sure you check off OSX under build settings.

Great, that is exactly what i am looking for.

The single desktop licence just allow me to install on one computer?

I don’t believe this other option works in the Trial/Free version. but in the paid version there is a way to do your developement on one platform (Win or Mac), and using the remote debugger, run it from your developement platform on the other device.

as in… Write/Compile on your WIndows machine, and run it on your Mac for testing… (or vice-versa)

And in the Trial/Free version, you might NOT be able to compile for the “other” platform, since it requires the IDE to run it, therefore you would need the IDE installed in both places.

Heads up, if you compile for Mac on Windows you can’t codesign it.

@Tim Parnell and this is important (the codesign)?
I want to compile my apps in both win and mac, but im coding only in Windows.
Does it have or bring some problems?

Codesigning is required to send to the Apple Store, and requires an Apple Developer account. and I’m still not sure that you CAN compile for both platforms with the Trial/Free version, since you can’t actually build a deployable package for any platform… the IDE is required to test run the code.

It’s also a good idea even if you are just selling it directly on a web site.

Also, keep in mind that while what you produce is cross-platform, getting it to that state will certainly require testing on both Windows and Mac. The built in Remote Debugger is perfect for that, but you need a Mac to send it to run (or vice-versa).

What if you have the last MacBook; the one with only the USB 3.1 special port ?
(no ethernet, no FireWire, no…)

In other words, hod do you do it (with that computer) ?

[quote=204188:@Emile Schwarz]What if you have the last MacBook; the one with only the USB 3.1 special port ?
(no ethernet, no FireWire, no…)

In other words, hod do you do it (with that computer) ?[/quote]

You connect it to the same LAN by using WLAN or an USB-C to Ethernet Adapter, fire up the Remote Debugger on the MacBook, add the MacBook to the Remote Debugging Machines in Xojo and start the remote Debugging? :wink:

@Brenda Yenerich

well and know this. Single Desktop is only for the compilation for the OS you are using. (For Example: Single Desktop Windows ist only capable to Run and Compile the Apps for Windows). You need at least the Desktop license or for Your Example the Single Desktop for Mac OS and Windows.

Best Regards,

R. Landscheidt

[quote=204158:@Brenda Yenerich]Hi,

I judst download today the trial, and i cant build my tests.

I want to know if i can compile for OSX from my computer (im running in windows).

What i need is cross compiling.

The trial will not allow you to produce builds for Macintosh. Just conduct all your tests and get the feel of Xojo, and when you are ready, get the Desktop license (second column at, which will build on your Windows machine for Windows, Mac or Linux.

If you have a friend who has a Mac, he can download the trial for his machine, and you can run your test project on it. You will see that whatever you have designed on Windows will run as a Mac app.

When/If you have the budget, it is strongly suggested to get a Mac to prepare the app for market, though. As mentioned above, any serious distribution requires digitally signing apps. On PC, you probably already know the shameful yellow window, or worse, the blue bar over the screen of Windows 10 that tells you it is from an unknown developer. On Mac, the equivalent is called GateKeeper, and it is better to avoid support requests from customers.

Used Macs are rather affordable these days. And since they also run Windows, they can become a rather nice addition to your equipment.

Thanks for your answers.

One more question: i saw there is a way to runjavascript in the HTMLViewer.

Its works on Mac too?

Is there a way to get a return valur from javascript?

Thanks in advance

Yes running JavaScript in an htmlviewer works for both windows and Mac. Returning a value is possible in both, but is much easier on mac with a declare.