Northern Ireland

Calling all Xojo developers in Northern Ireland interested in joining a Xojo user group! Whether you’re an amateur or a pro, a current Xojo developer or haven’t used it since the RB days, you would be very welcome.

Perhaps there aren’t enough Xojo devs in NI to justify a group but let’s give it a try! I propose we meet in Cutter’s Wharf on the 24th of September at 7pm for a couple of beers and some friendly chat in an attempt to kick things off. (We can discuss some actual Xojo topics for future meetings if there is enough interest!) ROI and GB devs are also more than welcome!

Please reply to this thread or send me a message if you are interested. Hope to hear from you!

Location: Cutter’s Wharf, Belfast
Date: Thursday 24th September 2015, 7pm
Topic: Beer and chat!

Calling all Xojo people in NI, current or past! Also, anyone in the south or further afield, most welcome! If the proposed date is unsuitable, please get in touch and let me know you’re interested anyway, thanks!

Wish I could go.

maybe you both come to Birmingham in case the UK group repeats their meeting there again this year?

Gavin - can you create a page at ? You could then advertise it on (signup page is broken at the minute but should be back up in a few days). If not ping me here

Date no good? Or are you not in Ireland?

Thanks Simon, I’ll definitely look into it.

Sadly there isn’t enough interest to merit a Northern Ireland meet-up. I got a sum total of (let me count them…) zero replies. I suspected that might end up being the case but it was worth a shot! Still, I know for a fact that there’s much more scope for an all-Ireland group so I will turn my attention to that and I’ll propose a Dublin meeting later this year. I’ll post about that separately to avoid confusion.

Thanks to @Dana Brown for putting the word out anyhow.