Blur image

How can I blur an image in iOS? Is there an implementation in iOSLib and some documentation?

(I have seen this conversation:, but I can’t use the “outputImageByCroppingToRect” in real device (iPad Air) altought it works in the simulator)

In iOSLib, you can find the AppleCIFIlter class and test the filters in the CIFilter demo view. I have not yet created subclasses for the hellwhatalot subclasses of Core Image filters, but I think I created a BlurFilter subclass already. I am unsure how complete the documentation is – I didn’t work on iOS the last weeks. Please tell me if you need more information.

Thank you very much Ulrich! I figured in a I-don’t-know-how-exactly manner how to get the blur working.

Yes, I’ve seen I didn’t do the documentation yet. Too many open building sites currently … But I think I added the remark to tell me if certain filters or properties are needed – so feel free to tell me. Glad if the lib’s helpful to you!

At the moment I found everything I needed in your iOSLib (which is wonderful and very very useful), so there’s no urgent need for a doc (in a couple of hours I got it to working).