Negative Integer to positive Integer

Stupid question:

How do i convert a negative integer to a positive integer or how do i only get the numbers from the negative integer?

Lets say i have -12345 and i want to get 12345.

Check out the ABS function


or Xojo.Math.ABS function for the new framework

Historically, basic languages have used the Abs() function, which is still the case in Xojo. Returns the absolute value of a number, e.g. positive.


Multiply by -1?

Yes and no.

Yes in that multiplying a negative number by -1 will return a positive.
No in that a positive number will return it’s negative equivalent when multiplying by -1. You would have to use an if...then statement.
Using the Abs() function gives you the required result in one line of code.


[quote=183952:@Grant Singleton]Yes and no.

Yes in that multiplying a negative number by -1 will return a positive.
No in that a positive number will return it’s negative equivalent when multiplying by -1. You would have to use an if...then statement.
Using the Abs() function gives you the required result in one line of code.[/quote]

Indeed. However, since the OP asked to convert a negative number into a positive one, I supposed he will handle negative numbers only - in which case a *-1 would be sufficient (and likely faster). Anyway, if any number (be it positive or negative) may occur, ABS() is the way to go :slight_smile:

Dim result As Integer = Bitwise.OnesComplement(value) + 1

Well, while we are on the subject of obscure ways to do this instead of simply using ABS, how about

result = Floor(SQRT(value^2))


Both ABS() and SQRT will return double values.
You may want to user Floor() to flatten it to an integer, or assign the result to an integer variable.

result = max(value, -value)

value = -value


maintains datatype integrity :slight_smile: