iOS, what we want ? roadmap ?

Hi, is it legal to ask for stuff for the iOS build ?

I would really love to have my app/server etc. work with iOS apps. So any ideas on when we can expect:

  1. Support for signatures from the iPhone/iPad, or even input from the camera
  2. Support for 3rd party plugs, I would like to have the valentina DB plugin to work.


Jason King has created a camera class. See"camera+class"

Point 2 is an issue, since dynamic libraries are not supported in iOS. Joe Ranieri has given us some hope recently of using static libraries in

Norman Palardy told us back in Beta that a lot of limitations we are experiencing today are due to the need to support iOS7

[quote]Be aware that there are certain things that are possible in iOS 8 that are NOT possible in iOS 7 [/quote]

So as time progresses and iOS8 acceptance grows, we probably can expect progress.

I desperately need access to the location API. Without it, Xojo is useless for the iOS projects I need to do.

I thought I saw a thread where someone had a declare for Location Services.

How much of the location services (CoreLocation) API do you need access to? Here is a basic project I have from a few weeks ago which will allow you to determine the latitude and longitude of the iDevice. Accessing the rest of CoreLocation is possible through declares if you are interested in pursuing it.

Sometime in the future :slight_smile:

[quote=161707:@Helge Tjelta]2. Support for 3rd party plugs, I would like to have the valentina DB plugin to work.
Probably not til iOS 7 is dropped as a supported platform as only iOS 8 would even start to make this possible
That’s my understanding of the issues

Jason solution is ok for ios7
for ios8 you have to say to iOS what kind of use you will do of this information and you have to setup a proper plist

Jason - I need to know lat-long as well as access the on-board compass for the current bearing. The rest is just maths.

You’re in luck then. The course property of the CLLocation class is the current bearing. A value of 0 is north, 90 is east, 180 is south, etc. If the value is negative something went wrong so you shouldn’t use it.


what kind of a plist do we need? the demo work under 7.1!!!

for iOS8:
You have to add some key to the app plist (easy to do in Xojo)

if your app need access to the device location even when is in background:
add the key NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription

if your app need access to the device location only in foreground:
add the key NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription

add also a key NSLocationUsageDescription

for every key you add you have to add a string with the explanation that will presented to the user at first run (or location request) and in the privacy setting.

if I build the app on xojo and install it can be installed on my iphone device

but if I run

codesign -f -s ‘iPhone Developer: Andreas’

codesign responds replacing existing signature

the signaturefile is IDENTICALLY

but the new app cannot be installed on an iphone device

app installation failed
the application could not be verified!!!

Xojo build and sign your app. There is no need to sign it again.

but if I “updated” plist I have to codesign it!

my steps above are only to verify that I use the correct codesign parameters.

but my result is:
the signaturefile is IDENTICALLY

but the new app cannot be installed on an iphone device

app installation failed
the application could not be verified!!!

you can write a small plist, in this case just the header and the dictionary with key and string.
drag it to the navigator
When you compile your app Xojo will “correct” the generated plist file with these information.

The only limitation is that you can add only a plist. So if you have to make multiple correction you have to put all of them in this plist.

[quote=169189:@andreas overmeyer]but if I “updated” plist I have to codesign it!

my steps above are only to verify that I use the correct codesign parameters.

but my result is:
the signaturefile is IDENTICALLY

but the new app cannot be installed on an iphone device

app installation failed
the application could not be verified!!![/quote]

You have several options to modify the plist :

  • Use an IDE script
  • Drag a new info.plist into the project. It will replace the default one
  • Use copy file step to place a new info.plist into the bundle before Xojo signs it


did you successfully signed an ios app with the following arguments

codesign -f -s ‘iPhone Developer: Andreas’

No it will not replace the default one

It will revise the default one

Andreas you have not to sign the app. Xojo will do it!


can you upload a working project here - my app did not run under 8.1?

txs Andreas