Possible new big memory leak in tcpsocket

I have a EASYTCPSOCKET which I am sending a file out from it. This is the code

Dim ReadStream As BinaryStream = BinaryStream.Open(readFile, False)
ReadStream.LittleEndian = True

’ if file exists etc…

Do Until ReadStream.EOF
  app.DoEvents(100) ' be nice to xojo

This is being done in the received event of the EASYTCP socket.

If I send a 9 mbytes of data, the Xojo EXE uses 75 MB of memory and never releases it until the socket is closed. (even base64 should only treble it)
I need the socket open all the time so the client can get updates.

*Note its not held in memory waiting to be sent, the file arrives the other end fine, and still the memory is not released.

Anyone seen this?

Hi Dave,
this is a known issue at least for me on Windows platform.
For example in a WebApplication if you create a big webfile the memory used to send its contents it’s never released until the session closes: in this case I’m supposing that when session closes all the sockets for that session are closed.
Please file a bug report with your example.


without going deeper into this issue: To me your AppYieldTo Next Thread and DoEvents look kinda strange… do you run this as a service, within a thread or within a desktop app?

[quote=158679:@dave duke]If I send a 9 mbytes of data, the Xojo EXE uses 75 MB of memory and never releases it until the socket is closed. (even base64 should only treble it)
I need the socket open all the time so the client can get updates.[/quote]

Have you tried using Purge ?

I just added some notes to your case. From what I can see, the big problem is that the Flush method appears to hang when using EasyTCP sockets for some reason.

Dave I have successfully sent files > 10Gb over crappy NZ DSL (upload speed 600K). Not using EasyTCPSocket or flush, but with an event driven model. In fact I found using 6 TCPSockets with 256k of data per concurrent send gave the best results. I achieved this by sending an xml string terminated by an end of file marker (CharB(26)) followed by the raw data. The Xml file included a file offset position for that block, a checksum for that block & the length of the block. The server would respond with a good or bad depending on the checksum match whereupon the client would either resend the corrupt block or send a new block.

Of course this was before JSON was available in Real Studio, so maybe my solution no longer works.

But I’d be happy to discuss/help you work through the issue privately.


No idea if this is related, but I reported a very bad memory leak using IPCSockets under Cocoa: <https://xojo.com/issue/34107>