dtPlugins releases

This thread announces only updates of dtPlugins

For any questions, ask me in pm or open new thread thanks!

v1.31 released

Fix bad color on date time control

I can highly recommend this plugins ! A lot of native OS X controls to fiddle with.

The plugin does not seem to work on Xojo 2013 r3.1 - (not for me, anyway) :frowning:

+1 to recommend

+100 to recommend

The bad thing about dtPlugins is that the pressure to provide nice controls in Windows is even greater, as the difference is so obvious :smiley:

I’d love an x-plat version of dtPlugins that uses the native control for each thing in each platform.

I think you guys missed the OP’s intentions with this thread :wink:

Still, as it’s already ruined, I’ll add my affection for dtPlugins! Well worth the measly 25 euros!

[quote=94526:@Gavin Smith]I think you guys missed the OP’s intentions with this thread :wink:

Still, as it’s already ruined, I’ll add my affection for dtPlugins! Well worth the measly 25 euros![/quote]

This is the kind of thing that would be better if posts could be edited. The releases could be tracked in the OP and replies wouldn’t affection

Nice Work Jean-Paul!

I guess there is something wrong with the latest version. setTextColor and setTransparentBK are not available.

For those that don’t have dtplugins !! It’s not too late :wink:
Great job JP

If you need a native OSX listbox (NSTableView with typical listbox events) you should buy this.

How do we activate the plugin when we have a licence key?

[quote=183149:@jean-paul devulder]v1.5 released

Add toolbar icons for sourcelist control[/quote]
Hey Jean-Paul, thanks for your work. That was not quite what I meant :wink:

Here is the Page of the “OS X Human Interface Guidelines” with a Description and Picture of the Buttons :wink: