Calendar Picker

To not pollute the other conversation… Here is a new one about calendar picker.

A new version that don’t use MBS plugins.

To not pollute the other conversation… Here is a new one about calendar picker.

A new version that don’t use MBS plugins.

Very nice!

Win7 nothing shows up in the picker, and when i click on it I got an exception at the code “ = PickedDay”

I had the same results and looked into the method calls and looks like it is a Mac only calendar picker

Nice work Valdemar! I really like your popup effect and the look of the calendar.

This one is actually only for Mac OS X.

any chance the user could single click and then enter, in order to select the date and close the popup?

At the moment the user needs to double click, which seems a little unintuitive?
hust an idea :slight_smile:

Add the ability to define single or double click.

use me.singleclick = True

Excellent - thank you!