Porting LaunchDaemon functionality to Win from OS X

Hi all,

In OS X I have an app that sets up a LaunchDaemon to set up a task that sends daily status reports to a server from the computer.

In Windows, what is a good way to replicate this functionality? I am looking at using the Win32_ScheduledJob class in WMI, but perhaps there is a better way? Any suggestions would be welcomed.

Schedule a task in Windows:

Or write your own program and run it as a service:

For instance, in order to run a web app as a service on Windows, you call something like this:

sc create RSWebSvc type= own start= auto binpath= c:\\Path\\To\\Exe\\WebApp.exe

Great, thank you!

As Service Application is also mentioned in the Xojo docs: http://documentation.xojo.com/index.php/ServiceApplication