Newbie resource idea

As a way of trying to give something back to this community, I thought maybe I would create a project file, which contains a collection of Sub-Classes and code snippets.

This would allow newbie developers, (and people like me who find it easier to learn by picking apart code examples and studying what is happening) to be able to find answers and techniques to common questions.

This would result in:

  1. Newbies learning quicker.
  2. Possible increased sales of Xojo, due to beginners not getting so frustrated with common problems - thus turning away from Xojo or developing in general.

Does anyone have any input regarding this idea?
If there is already the same kind of resource available - please let me know (I myself would be interested in it).

If anyone has anything they would happily share with other users - please let me know.

Thank you all.

Hi Richard,

Sounds like an interesting idea, any particular project/s that you have in mind?

Have you looked at the Example projects provided with Xojo yet (e.g. In the project chooser select “Examples”)? There are lots of great example projects in this folder.

Thom McGrath wrote a multi-document template

which I’m trying to update.

I have no particular project in mind - I would just create a blank new project and then import lots of sub-classes into it, along with any code snippets which are useful in everyday programming.

I have looked at the example projects - but then the newbie has to open them all up individually, examine the code, cut out the parts they need, and then paste into their own project.

I would like to have 1 project file which contains everything (if that makes sense).

I have created 3 VERY simple TextField sub-classes


I would then like to add subclasses which check for valid email addresses etc.
That kind of stuff, which saves people from having to type the same code over and over again.

Newbies can look at the code and work out what is happening.
All I need is for others to send in exported sub-class files and a quick description of what they do.

Have you seen Xippets?

Thanks Bill,
yes I have seen Xippets, but as far as I can tell that does not include any sub-classes?

My idea is mainly for sub-classes.


Let me toss some code in… Some I wrote… Some I found. all could probably be optimized a bit

Function IsValidEMAIL(email as string) as Boolean
  '    IsValidEmail( ) validates an email address As being in the CORRECT FORM (it does
  '    not actually check if the user mailbox exists).  This validation used to be done using
  '    the RegEx, but it adds between 111KB to 229KB extra size for nothing gained if you
  '    do not use RegEx in your own application code.
  '    Dim rg As New RegEx
  '    rg.searchPattern="^[-\\w.]+@([A-z0-9][-A-z0-9]+\\.)+[A-z]{2,6}$"
  '    Return ( <> Nil)
  '    In addition, the above RegEx search pattern was extremely strict As in that international
  '    and special characters (which ARE valid) styled email addresses would always be rejected.
  '    The new code below will try to validate any RFC 3696 email address.
  '    Note: using the B type String functions when possible because they are much faster
  ERROR_MESSAGE="Invalid Email Address"
  If ( email.Len < 5 ) Then Return False    // way to short
  If ( email.Len > 256 ) Then Return False    // too long
  // email addresses must be in the format "mailbox@domain" so check if "@" first
  If ( email.InStr( "@" )=0 ) Then Return False
  // it is possible according to the RFC 822 to have more than one @ symbol in the email...
  // the "mailbox" portion can have one but it needs to be quoted/escaped.  An @ is NOT allowed
  // in the "domain" part, so its easier to just check for the last @.
  Dim elements( ) As String=email.Split("@")
  Dim domain As String=elements.Pop      // store last element as domain
  Dim mailbox As String=Join(elements, "@")     // recombine rest and put back any @ chars
  If ( mailbox.Len < 1 ) Then Return False    // empty mailbox Strings are invalid =)
  If ( mailbox.Len > 64 ) Then Return False     // mailbox length is too big
  If ( domain.InStr( "." )=0 ) Then Return False    // MUST have a least one "."
  If ( mailbox.LeftB( 1 )="." ) Then Return False    // "." cannot be first character in mailbox
  If ( mailbox.RightB( 1 )="." ) Then Return False    // "." cannot be last character in mailbox
  If ( mailbox.InStrB( ".." ) > 0 ) Then Return False    // cannot have 2 or more "."  in a row
  If ( domain.InStrB( ".." ) > 0 ) Then Return False    // cannot have 2 or more "."  in a row
  Dim domainParts( ) As String=SplitB( domain, "." )
  // if the last element of the domain is all numeric, then all elements must be (IP domain address)
  Dim validateTypeIP As Boolean=IsNumeric( domainParts( domainParts.Ubound ))
  // if not an IP address, than the last element of the domain must be at least 2 chars
  If Not validateTypeIP And domainParts( domainParts.UBound ).Len < 2 Then Return False
  For k As Integer=0 To domainParts.Ubound
    Dim part As String=domainParts( k )
    If ( part.LenB > 63 ) Then Return False    // domain parts cannot be larger than 63 chars
    If ( part.Len < 1 ) Then Return False    // can't have empty Strings
    If validateTypeIP Then
      If Not IsNumeric( part ) Then Return False
      If ( part.LenB > 4 ) And part.LeftB( 4 )="xn--" Then
        // allowable domain label that uses international characters (non-ascii)
        // if not international, then only can contain (a-z), (A-Z), (0-9) and "-" (if not first or last char)
        // also switching to B type String compares (binary) for speed
        Dim length As Integer=part.LenB
        For x As Integer=1 To length
          Select Case AscB( part.MidB( x, 1 ))
          Case &h61 To &h7A, &h41 To &h5A, &h30 To &h39    // (a-z), (A-Z), (0-9)
            // do nothing
          Case &h2D    // "-" character
            If ( x=1 ) Or ( x=length ) Then Return False    // hyphen can only be in middle
            Return False    // invalid char for domain (non-international)
          End Selec
      End If
    End If
  // continue testing mailbox
  Dim containsQuotedChars As Boolean=False
  If ( mailbox.InStr( "\" ) > 0 ) Then
    containsQuotedChars=True      // contains at least one single quoted char (quote is \\ char)
    If ( mailbox.InStr( """" ) > 0 ) Then      // there is at least one " char in there
      Dim count As Integer=0
      Dim start As Integer=-1
        start=mailbox.InStrB( start + 1, """" )
        If ( start > 0 ) Then count=count + 1
      Loop Until ( start=0 )
      If (( count Mod 2 )=1 ) Then Return False     // uneven pair of " chars
    End If
  End If
  // gonna ignore email addresses with quoted chars since its more complex (at least for now)
  // and quoted mailbox types are more rare...
  // RFC 3696: The quoted forms are rarely used in practice, but are required for some legitimate
  // purposes. Hence, they should not be rejected in filtering routines but, should instead be
  // passed to the email system for evaluation by the destination host.
  If Not containsQuotedChars Then
    Dim approvedList As String="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!#$%&'*+-/=?^_`.{\\}~"
    // international (non-ascii) chars can be used, but we will ignore them
    // also will be using NON-B versions of String formulas because of possible non-ascii chars
    // also simplifies the "approvedList" since the compare will be case-insensitive
    Dim length As Integer=mailbox.Len
    Dim char As String
    For x As Integer=1 To length
      char=mailbox.Mid( x, 1 )
      // char is ascii, but not in list so reject email
      If ( Asc( char ) < 128 ) And ( approvedList.InStr( char )=0 ) Then Return False
  End If
  // passed all the obstacles, so return true
  Return True
FUNCTION IsValidFloat(byref num as string) as boolean
  Dim s As String
  If Left(s,1)="+" Then s=Trim(Mid(s,2)) ' drop plus
  If IsNumeric(s) Then
    Return True
  End If
  Return False
FUNCTION IsValidInteger(byref num as string) as boolean
  Dim x As Integer
  Dim s As String
  If x>0 Then Return False
  If Left(s,1)="+" Then s=Trim(Mid(s,2)) ' drop plus
  If IsNumeric(s) Then Return True
  Return False
Function IsValidPhone(byref old_phone as string) as boolean ' US Phone Format!
  Dim new_phone As String
  new_phone=replaceall(new_phone," ","")
  If (new_phone.Len<>7 And new_phone.Len<>10) Then Return false
  If Not IsNumeric(new_phone) Then Return False
  If old_phone.Len=10 Then old_phone="("+Left(old_phone,3)+") "+Mid(old_phone,4)
  Return true
FUNCTION IsValidURL(URL as string) as boolean
  Dim err_flag As Boolean
  Dim i As Integer
  Dim s As String
  If Left(url,7)="HTTP://" Then
  Elseif Left(url,8)="HTTPS://" Then
  End If
  If Not err_flag Then
    For i=1 To url.Len
      Select Case Mid(url,i,1)
      Case "A" To "Z","a" To "z","0" To "9","_","-",".","~"
      Case "%" ' hex char
        If (Val(s)=0 And s<>"&H00") Then err_flag=True
      Case Else
      End Select
      If err_flag=True Then Exit For
    Next i
  End If
  Return Not err_flag

thank you very much for kindly offering the 5 examples.

I am presuming that they are general code snippets, and not meant to be put inside a sub-class of a TextField?
Or have I mis-understood, and they are indeed code to be added to a certain event handler for the sub-classes?

As explained - I am not much more than a newbie myself, and am still getting to grips with the concept.

Thank you for your patience and understanding (and please don’t growl at me) :slight_smile:

Actually these were extracted from a TextEdit subclass I wrote… but due to other code I did not wish to publish the whole class

I will have to read through the 5 examples and then try to work out which event handler they need to go into.
The quicker I work out in which event handler they go into, the quicker I will fully understand the concept and the quicker I can help other newbies.

Thank you once again.

Many of Dave’s functions won’t work with numbers not in US format.

Guys, the World is a LOT bigger than just the USA. Get over that provincial point of view.

TWO is “many”?

Fix the comma vs period … or don’t

Always hilarious when free source isn’t good enough on its own.

Thanks Dave, this is good stuff!

Two too many :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I wouldn’t exactly call bugs hilarious. And Dave is certainly a much better programmer than me and capable of writing code that is valid for Xojo users everywhere. Especially as this is intended for beginners. It will not give a good impression of Xojo if the example code recommended to them isn’t working correctly.

Ah yes - the “sample code from everyone is Xojo’s fault” theory of why a tool is / isn’t useful or any good

Beginner is given Xojo code. Code isn’t working.

Beginner is given Python code. Code is working.

What does beginner think / say / do?

Unfortunately we live in a World where first impressions count.

In any case: it should be in everyones interest to correct buggy code and make it better.

Pro tip: post source code in the Pro forum.

I don’t think that I have every seen anyone using byref for Xojo code. And yes, code should run outside of the US.