Converting Large Project from API 1.0

Thanks again Tim,

Now that I have API1.0 & 2.0 working in UI, I have successfully created some of my core classes and will continue to add them as needed, making the process a bit less of a challenge. Thanks again for your advice (and to others as well).

I just hope there won’t be a 3.0! :scream:


While I agree with you, it’s still a shame we’ll then have to stay with all UI names prefixed with “Desktop”, “Mobile” or “Web”. Autocomplete is a disaster with that.

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One will type Mob+Tab… :wink:

Then add the Control (whatever) (s)he wants… :frowning:

For those who will not understand:

The real “Mob” people will not appreciate this ! :wink:

Yes, this makes typing at leat 3 letters and the tab key. This might not sound an issue, but (1) when you use them “a lot”, it’s annoying and (2) it was faster in API1.
I understand it doesn’t hurt if you don’t use them much, of course.


What’s a shame is that Xojo missed an opportunity by splitting their GUI frameworks, and bucked the industry trend of uniting GUI frameworks.